Greta | Born December 23, 2018

Greta was born on December 23, 2018, by cesarean section. Throughout my pregnancy, all the doctors told me that my daughter was developing well. I did notice during the eighth month of pregnancy that Greta was not moving as much. Initially, after birth, everything appeared to be fine until a little after two months in a medical examination they detected that Greta did not follow the light, thus beginning our journey with an infinity of tests. Currently, she has a multitude of specialists (ophthalmologist, digestive specialist, neurologist, rehabilitation therapists.)  

She is a little turtle that advances little by little. She has a hard time focusing attention, so she learns very slowly.  Currently, after almost daily physiotherapy, Greta can now hold onto the wall.

Greta takes Keppra and Vimpac for absence seizures. Today, they are much less than they were.

I love Greta. Every day she surprises me more. She is a strong, nice, affectionate girl and although the medical reports say she is not, for me she is the smartest girl in the world. She loves music. My greatest wish in the world is to see her dance.

This story was written in Spanish by Greta’s mom, Tania Roemro Cañadas, and translated to English. Linda Zoe Podbros edited the English version.


Quinn | Born March 2021